IMK-AAF studies fundamental processes that govern the formation, transformations and sinks of atmospheric aerosols. These processes are of great relevance for climate, cloud and precipitation formation and for human health (IPCC AR5, Chapter 7). Its research is embedded in the Research Program “Atmosphere and Climate” of the Helmholtz-Association, where it contributes to Topic 1, Topic 3 and Topic 4. The institute operates the large Aerosol- and Cloud Simulation Chamber AIDA (Aerosol Interaction and Dynamics in the Atmosphere). Access to this facility is supported via the EU program EUROCHAMP.

Within KIT, IMK-AAF is contributing to the Center for Climate and Environment which addresses societal challenges resulting from changes of the climate and the environment in the context of demographic, economic and technical developments.

Research Groups at IMK-AAF

rg_aerosolchemistry_airquality KIT/ Dr. Harald Saathoff
Aerosol Chemistry and Air Quality

Dr. Harald Saathoff

rg_aerosol_cloud_processes KIT/ Dr. Ottmar Möhler

Dr. Ottmar Möhler

rg_cloud_microphysics KIT
Cloud Microphysics

Dr. Alexei Kiselev

teaser_yig KIT/ Dr. Emma Järvinen
Airborne Cloud Observations

Helmhholtz Young Investigator Group

Dr. Emma Järvinen

teaser_surfacescience KIT/ Dr. Ahmed Abdelmonem
Atmospheric Surface-Science

Dr. Ahmed Abdelmonem

rg_nanoscience Von Matthias Süßen - Eigenes Werk, CC BY-SA 4.0,
Atmospheric Nanoscience

Dr. Dennis Duft
