Master and Diploma Theses
Development of new methods to identify heat-sensitive ice-nucleating particles in agricultural areas Desiree Sieber, master thesis Karlsruhe Institute of Technology 2024 (Contact: Prof. Thomas Leisner) |
Ice-Nucleating Particle Measurements With a High Temporal Resolution in Svalbard during Springtime 2023 Tim Lippmann, master thesis Karlsruhe Institute of Technology 2023 (Contact: Prof. Thomas Leisner) |
Impacts of climate change on orographic precipitation – A model study using the Piggybacking method Julia Thomas, master thesis Heidelberg University 2022 (Contact: Prof. Thomas Leisner) |
A new Aerosol Payload for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: Design and First Application for Ice-Nucleating Particle Measurements Alexander Böhmländer, master thesis Karlsruhe Institute of Technology 2021 (Contact: Prof. Thomas Leisner) |
Viability Study of Ice Nucleating Active Bacteria at Mixed-Phase Cloud Conditions Corina Wieber, master thesis Karlsruhe Institute of Technology 2021 (Contact: Prof. Thomas Leisner) |
The new mobile ice nucleation instrument mINKA: setup and first application during secondary organic aerosol experiments at the CERN-CLOUD chamber Pia Bogert, master thesis Karlsruhe Institute of Technology 2020 (Contact: Prof. Thomas Leisner) |
Analysis of the freezing dynamics of levitated water droplets by thermal imaging Judith Kleinheins, master thesis Karlsruhe Institute of Technology 2020 (Contact: Prof. Thomas Leisner) |
The impact of molecular size and particle polarity on CCN activation and cloud particle growth at the nanometre-scale Demetrius Ramette, master thesis Karlsruhe Institute of Technology 2020 (Contact: Prof. Thomas Leisner) |
Long-term Measurements of Ice Nucleating Particles in a Boreal Forest during the Winter to Spring Transition Julia Kaufmann, master thesis Karlsruhe Institute of Technology 2019 (Contact: Prof. Thomas Leisner) |
Secondary Ice Production upon Freezing of Supercooled Water Droplets in Airflow Alice Keinert, master thesis Karlsruhe Institute of Technology 2018 (Contact: Prof. Thomas Leisner) |
Characterization of Anthropogenic Fractions in Secondary Organic Aerosol Yvette Nadine Gramlich, master thesis Karlsruhe Institute of Technology 2018 (Contact: Prof. Thomas Leisner) |
First field application of a mobile expansion chamber to measure ice nucleating particles Franziska Vogel, master thesis Karlsruhe Institute of Technology 2018 (Contact: Prof. Thomas Leisner) |
Bestimmung von Wasserkonzentrations- und Temperaturprofilen in Methan-Sauerstoffflammen mittels Diodenlaserspektroskopie Sebastian Schulz, master thesis Karlsruhe Institute of Technology 2018 (Contact: Prof. Thomas Leisner) |
Gefrieren von unterkühlten Wassertropfen beim Kontakt mit hoch-aktiven Eiskeimen: Laborexperimente und Monte-Carlo-Simulationen Michael Koch, master thesis Karlsruhe Institute of Technology 2017 (Contact: Prof. Thomas Leisner) |
Potential ice multiplication mechanisms associated with the freezing process of drizzle droplets Annika Lauber, master thesis Karlsruhe Institute of Technology 2016 (Contact: Prof. Thomas Leisner) |
Setup and Characteriszation of an Optical-Feedback Cavity System for Nanoparticle Detection Jian Shi, master thesis Karlsruhe Institute of Technology 2016 (Contact: Prof. Thomas Leisner) |
Elektronenmikroskopische Betrachtung von Eiswachstum auf natürlichen Mineraloberflächen Felix Bachmann, master thesis Karlsruhe Institute of Technology 2015 (Contact: Prof. Thomas Leisner) |
Development and Application of a Spectrometer to Determine Fast Variations of Atmospheric Particles and Water Vapor Simon Sudermann, master thesis Karlsruhe Institute of Technology 2015 (Contact: Prof. Thomas Leisner) |
Laboratory experiments on ice nucleation and growth rates on meteoric smoke particles at mesospheric conditions Mario Nachbar, master thesis Heidelberg University 2014 (Contact: Prof. Thomas Leisner) |
Influence of biodiesel fuel composition on morphology and microstructure of particles emitted from Diesel engines Natascha Savic, master thesis Karlsruhe Institute of Technology 2014 (Contact: Prof. Thomas Leisner) |
Homogeneous Freezing of Water Droplets and its Dependence on Droplet Size Thea Schmitt, diploma thesis Karlsruhe Institute of Technology 2014 (Contact: Prof. Thomas Leisner or Prof. Dr. Corinna Hoose) |
Auslegung und Realisierung eines experimentellen Aufbaus zur Messung des Wasserdampfpartialdrucks bei den Temperaturen der Mesopause (in German) Martin Felix Loskill, diploma thesis Karlsruhe Institute of Technology 2014 (Contact: Prof. Thomas Leisner) |
Laboruntersuchengen zur Dynamik der Sekundäreisbildung (in German) Patricia Vera Klara Handmann, diploma thesis Karlsruhe Institute of Technology 2013 (Contact: Prof. Thomas Leisner) |
Charakterisierung von Wolkenkondensationskeimeigenschaften am Standort Schneefernerhaus (Zugspitze) (in German) Katharina Weixler, diploma thesis Karlsruhe Institute of Technology 2013 (Contact: Prof. Thomas Leisner) |
Entwicklung und Einsatz eines Spektometers zur Bestimmung von schnellen Variationen des Atmosphärischen Wasserdampfes (in German) Christine Nast, diploma thesis Karlsruhe Institute of Technology 2013 (Contact: Prof. Thomas Leisner) |
Cold-Stage-Experimente zur heterogenen Eisnukleation im Immersionsmodus Moritz Haarig, diploma thesis Karsruhe Institute of Technology 2013 (Contact: Prof. Corinna Hoose or Prof. Thomas Leisner) |
Simulating Arctic Mixed-Phase Clouds and their Sensitivity to Ice Nucleation Marco Paukert, diploma thesis Karlsruhe Institute of Technology 2013 (Contact: Prof. Corinna Hoose or Prof. Thomas Leisner) |
Eigenschaften von Rußpartikeln als Wolkenkondensationskeime am Schneefernerhaus gemessen mit einem Rußphotometer (in German) Barbara Altstädter, diploma thesis Karlsruhe Institute of Technology 2012 (Contact: Prof. Thomas Leisner) |
Aufbau und Charakterisierung von Aerosolmessungen auf dem Schneefernerhaus (Zugspitze) (in German) Andreas Riehl, diploma thesis Karlsruhe Institute of Technology 2012 (Contact: Prof. Thomas Leisner) |
Kombinierte Messung des Wasserdampfgehalts und der 3D-Windgeschwindigkeiten (in German) Stefan Barth, diploma thesis Heidelberg University 2012 (Contact: Prof. Thomas Leisner) |
Laborexperiment zum Kontaktgefrieren unterkühlter Wolkentropfen (in German) Nadine Hoffmann, diploma thesis Heidelberg University 2012 (Contact: Prof. Thomas Leisner) |
Laborexperimente zur Wirksamkeit von Minerastaub und Bakterien als atmosphärische Eiskeime (in German) Maren Brinkmann, diploma thesis Technical University of Ilmenau 2010 (Contact: Prof. Thomas Leisner) |
Charakterisierung eines bepumpten virtuellen Gegenstromimpaktors zur Sammlung von Eispartikelresiduen von der Wolkenkammer AIDA (in German) Caroline Oehm, diploma thesis Heidelberg University 2009 (Contact: Prof. Thomas Leisner) |
Aufbau und Charakterisierung eines resonatorverstärkten Wasserdampf-Absorptionsspektrometers (in German) Jan Christoph Habig, diploma thesis Heidelberg University 2009 Contact: Prof. Thomas Leisner) |
Aufbau eines automatisierten Gefrierexperiments in einer elektrodynamischen Partikelfalle (in German) Jens Nadolny, diploma thesis Technical University of Ilmenau 2008 (Contact: Prof. Thomas Leisner) |
Speicherung und gezielte Kollision zweier Partikel in einer elektrodynamischen Falle (in German) Christiane Wender, diploma thesis Technical University of Ilmenau 2007 (Contact: Prof. Thomas Leisner) |
Charakterisierung einer Laserstreulichtapparatur zum Nachweis von Eiskristallen unter simulierten atmosphärischen Bedingungen (in German) Marlen Vragel, diploma thesis Leipzig University 2006 (copy available in PDF format, 2.50 MB) |
Bestimmung der klimarelevanten Absorptions- und Streueigenschaften von Verbrennungsrußaerosolen (in German) Melanie Gimmler, diploma thesis Fachhochschule Trier 2003 (copy available in PDF format, 3.06 MB) |
Charakterisierung von Rußaerosolen durch thermische Analyse (in German) Nicole Blatt, diploma thesis Fachhochschule Trier 2002 (copy available in PDF format, 1.35 MB) |