Welcome to the Institute of Meteorology and Climate Research - Atmospheric Aerosol Research! We are one of the leading research institutes in the field of atmospheric aerosol processes in Germany.
Our team is dedicated to researching the microphysical, chemical and optical properties of aerosols. Through our work, we gain valuable insights into the role of aerosols in the atmosphere and their influence on cloud formation, climate and air quality, thus making a significant contribution to the further development of weather and climate models.
A particular research interest at the institute is the role of aerosols in the formation of ice particles.
For our research, we conduct comprehensive basic research in laboratories with state-of-the-art equipment. We also use large atmospheric simulation chambers to investigate complex atmospheric processes under controlled conditions. In addition, we conduct field experiments to analyze local situations and their specific influences in detail.
AIDA cloud microphysics aerosol ice formation SOA air quality ACTRIS aging composition & morphology radiative effect climate INP ice nucleation COSIMA single droplet VOCs ESEM ice crystals LiDAR atmosphere nano science climate engineering

The AAF member and KIT Distinguished Senior Fellow Dr. Ing. Karl-Friedrich Ziegahn was awarded the DIN Excellence Prize for his many years of active work as Chairman of the Presidential Committee "Research, Innovation, and Development".
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We recently welcomed Dr. Najin Kim from the Korean Institute of Science and Technology (KIST), South Korea as visiting scientist at our institute. The visit is part of the ongoing KIST efforts to foster academic excellence and collaboration across borders. With her expertise in aerosol and cloud condensation nuclei studies, Dr. Kim conducts and leads novel experiment series at our new dynamic cloud simulation chamber AIDAd.
In autumn 2024 we studied the impact of meteorological conditions on emissions of volatile organic compounds from beech and douglas fir trees at the new ECOSENSE station in the black forest. Emissions from individual leaves and fir needles at different locations in the canopy were measured on-line by mass spectrometry.

The new ACTRIS (Aerosol Clouds and Trace Gases Research Infrastructure) General Director Eija Juurola and Senior Officer Niku Kivekäs visited the Topical Centre for Cloud In-Situ Measurements situated at IMK-AAF.
Recent scientific progress in the field of ultrafine particles (UFP), the smallest constituents of airborne particulate matter, on air quality, climate, and human health were discussed on the 9th EFCA Ultrafine Particles Symposium. This included a dialogue with policymakers on the revision of the European Ambient Air Quality Directive for UFP. The symposium took place on July 3 - 4 in Brussels, Belgium. It is co-organized by KIT, GUS, CEEES, and EFCA and chaired by the head of IMK-AAF, Prof. Thomas Leisner.
The new video series "KIT-That's why" shows in five contributions what is special about KIT and what it means to study at KIT. In the contribution "Sustainability and Climate", the Institute of Meteorology and Climate Research also introduces itself and shows the diversity of research-oriented studies at KIT.