Investigation of the absorption of atmospheric aerosol particles

  • chair:
  • place:

    KIT Campus North

  • institute:

    Institute of Meteorology and Climate Research - Atmospheric Aerosol Research (IMK-AAF)

  • starting date:


  • Kontaktperson:

    Dr. Harald Saathoff

    Dr. Claudia Linke

  • Within the scope of the master thesis, the absorption of atmospheric aerosol particles for different light wavelengths is investigated.  This property, which is important for the climate impact of aerosol particles, is measured in field measurements in Karlsruhe and at KIT Campus North. In addition to mobile measuring instruments (Aethaolmeter), a modern photoacoustic spectrometer is available for this purpose. The results of the work are absorption coefficients for different wavelengths in the visible spectral range which can also be used for origin analyses.